Saturday, June 20, 2015

The Start of Summer

Our summer got off to a great start with a little supper out for burgers and beer!

 We have had the most beautiful weather and have been lucky enough to enjoy most of our days outside. One of my favorite things to do during the summer is eating outside.

How can I be mad about a mess with that sweet smile!

We always seem to find a little time to fit in coloring.

 And of course the plants need to be watered every day!

We haven't picked up any sand yet but I think this box is working out better as a pool for now : ) 

Good thing I busted out some new toys when all he really wanted was the bucket I used to fill the 'pool'!

Time to take a little breather and call a grandma or two!

 Not all of our summer days are this relaxing but so far these are the moments I am cherishing the most!