Sunday, December 28, 2014

Stauffer Christmas 2014


The Stauffer family Christmas was a joy as always and Henry still had his role as baby Jesus! IMG_4811


He got some quality time in with Great-Grandpa Lyle.


Stories were readIMG_4779

Stories were toldIMG_4781

Time was sharedIMG_4784


Well, I don’t know if Gladys wanted to share her time with Miss Emerson!IMG_4790


And Miss Addi… Well, I just thought this was a funny photo. She is truly a teenager but this is honestly the only time I saw her on the phone. She was #1 kid watcher, entertainer and chaser while we adults played our games!IMG_4786


Present Time!IMG_4792



It is just SO hard to wait!!!!!IMG_4793




Worth the wait or as Silas said for just about every present he opened this year… “IS THIS FOR REAL?! DID I REALLY JUST GET THIS?!”



Great-Joni Macaroni get her gift – macaroni!!



So that is not Henry’s gift but he found it so of course he thinks it might as well be!IMG_4814

Gabe is only a little popular!!!IMG_4826

We had some sick kids but luckily there were lots of snuggles as well!IMG_4795


Henry’s ACTUAL gift!! Which he carried all over the house all weekend!IMG_4828


Grandma Stauffer is keeping an eye out for stealers!  p.s. See, Addi really was super babysitter the whole day : ) IMG_4830


Look at this good lookin’ crew of Celebrities players and champions ; ) IMG_4840

For future referenceIMG_4832

The next day was a little quieter and lots of one-on-one time.IMG_4843




One of the cutest things Henry is doing these days is blowing raspberries on our stomachs! We have no idea how he picked up on this ; ) Here Piper is looking extremely nervous about letting her little cousin blow on her stomach!!IMG_4845

Not as bad as she thought it was going to be : ) IMG_4846

Squirrel ornaments for two of our favorite squirrel feeders!IMG_4847

Another homerun Christmas gift!IMG_4851


Henry has been really into ‘cooking’ lately so we thought it was time for him to have his own set of pots and pans!IMG_4860






Off to Wisconsin now!!


Saturday, December 27, 2014

Powers Christmas 2014


Henry got to spend the  first day with one of his favorite Aunties!!! IMG_4872


They mostly just followed you around taking pictures ; )



She did get him the sweetest gifts too!!IMG_4874

But not as good as what she got me!!IMG_4880

Thanks for a great afternoon! Miss you all so much!! IMG_4885


What else was he busy doing that day! Kitty Whispering : ) IMG_4891

and no surprise here – carrying around the telephone!IMG_4914

Getting a little time in with Uncle BillIMG_4918

And trying out a Grandpa Steve original rocking horse!!IMG_4919


Finally getting pretty good at the present opening thing!IMG_4929

Loving the Packer gear!IMG_4931

and the chicken!!IMG_4938

Not sure what to think about the hat : ) IMG_4940

Who else scored some pretty amazing gifts!IMG_4921


Now that’s a happy farm girl!!IMG_4922

Henry wants in on this gift!IMG_4923

Literally!! I hope he doesn’t start getting to good for his cardboard boxes!IMG_4924

Just an adorable photo of Liam and his godparents!IMG_4945

Time to really get the Christmas party started!IMG_4950

First taste of sparkling “wine”!IMG_4951


Grandpa Steve has to check it over!IMG_4954


Thinking they can socialize with the grown ups now : ) IMG_4955





Meanwhile back in the kitchen the conversation took an interesting twist…IMG_4958

Jello shots! Really? Liam and Mary can’t believe what they are hearing! IMG_4960

Someone is a little concerned about how well I am documenting this conversation : )  Memories mother dearest!!!IMG_4976


Still smiling and even quite pleasant with each other! They must have enjoyed quite a few jello shots themselves over these last few crazy weeks in the candy business!IMG_4961

Thinking the kids table might get a little wild today!IMG_4967

Two of my beautiful nieces and one photo-bombing nephew!IMG_4969

Looking snazzy in suspenders!



Fr. Anthony and Fr. Valentine have arrived! IMG_4981

We are ready to feast! Actually if you can tell we have actually finished the feast! IMG_4982

Meanwhile at the kids table… 


And even later in the meal…this is what too much sparkling wine can do!IMG_4984

Time for a little rest!IMG_4993

But wait, there is still more sparkling juice!IMG_5000

Oh the stories Haley will have when she goes back to school!IMG_4996





No better way to end the Christmas day than Skyping with Vaughn and his family!IMG_5021




Finally to wrap this LONG post up!

Our official Christmas family photo of 2014!20141225_104539



Flashback to 2013 – It has been a wonderful year and we are ever so grateful! Can’t wait to see what our little family looks like next year!!IMG_1786