The Stauffer family Christmas was a joy as always and Henry still had his role as baby Jesus!
He got some quality time in with Great-Grandpa Lyle.
Well, I don’t know if Gladys wanted to share her time with Miss Emerson!
And Miss Addi… Well, I just thought this was a funny photo. She is truly a teenager but this is honestly the only time I saw her on the phone. She was #1 kid watcher, entertainer and chaser while we adults played our games!
It is just SO hard to wait!!!!!
Worth the wait or as Silas said for just about every present he opened this year… “IS THIS FOR REAL?! DID I REALLY JUST GET THIS?!”
Great-Joni Macaroni get her gift – macaroni!!
So that is not Henry’s gift but he found it so of course he thinks it might as well be!
Gabe is only a little popular!!!
We had some sick kids but luckily there were lots of snuggles as well!
Henry’s ACTUAL gift!! Which he carried all over the house all weekend!
Grandma Stauffer is keeping an eye out for stealers! p.s. See, Addi really was super babysitter the whole day : )
Look at this good lookin’ crew of Celebrities players and champions ; )
The next day was a little quieter and lots of one-on-one time.
One of the cutest things Henry is doing these days is blowing raspberries on our stomachs! We have no idea how he picked up on this ; ) Here Piper is looking extremely nervous about letting her little cousin blow on her stomach!!
Not as bad as she thought it was going to be : )
Squirrel ornaments for two of our favorite squirrel feeders!
Another homerun Christmas gift!
Henry has been really into ‘cooking’ lately so we thought it was time for him to have his own set of pots and pans!
Off to Wisconsin now!!