Friday, April 25, 2014

7 months old


I couldn’t snap a picture without him holding on tight. This may or may not have something to do with him falling off the chair during his 6 month photo session….. Sorry, Henry : ( Mom and Dad felt AWFUL and promise to be more careful.

Things you are doing well lately!

You are getting better and better at sitting up. You can still be a little tipsy but definite improvement has been made!


You spend more and more of your time on your tummy. IMG_2883


And even once and a while you even get up on your knees and rock a bit. Although you don’t seem to be super excited about it just yet..



If we start early enough you love sitting and listening to books before bed.



You are a REALLY good little eater of avocado, peas, sweet potatoes, applesauce, pears, bananas, carrots and chicken!



And you have even started drinking water out of a cup…although you still get a little wet : )



Lastly, two of new my favorite photos and I don’t know why!? You ARE obviously upset but I just had to run and get the camera. We didn’t know what scared you but you got the saddest look on your face and it was the cutest thing.



This was definitely a Mom “Don’t ever leave me again” kind of look!


Sunday, April 20, 2014

What we love about you these days


The way you fall asleep.

You insist on being left alone to fall asleep.  You burrow your head into the mattress and tuck your arms underneath and that’s it you are out before we can even get the door closed! You also wake yourself up in the morning because little by little all night long you have inched your way up the crib until your head in crammed into the far right corner. Sometimes you inch a little faster than normal so Dad has to slide you back down to the bottom of the crib so you have to start all over again and thus giving us a few more hours of uninterrupted sleep : )

You flash a huge smile every time anyone smiles at you!

Everything you get your hands on goes directly into you mouth. And much to your father’s dismay you seem to be grabbing everything with your….shhhh…. left hand!!! Ahhhh!!!!

You are such a happy little boy. Laughing and babbling when we are playing with you and sometimes when you are just playing on your own.

Your hair is just starting to grow in! Now when we go to kiss you on the head we feel peach fuzz on our lips.

One of our favorite things is listening to you babble. Lots of ‘dadadada’ but don’t worry I know you are waiting for a special occasion to bust out the “mamammama”



Thursday, April 17, 2014

THT {Throw Back Thursday}

So I did a little scanning last night… and I think it is time to play a little game.

Who does Henry look like more?



                                      Momma                                                                                    Daddy

             scan0006                                                   scan0014



{Just laying around}

                  Momma                                                                                                                           Daddy

scan0003                                                             scan0031 




Hard to tell, right??? Maybe leaning a little towards Gabe…

Not for long : )


I only have 3 baby pictures but this final one really seals the deal…


                                                        Momma                                                                                  Daddy


at least I think so : )


Now I know they are not all perfect match ups so we will have to work on poses in the future.


And Laurie, I’m counting on you to still have this adorable little outfit because Henry will most definitely be reenacting this photo session!


Thursday, April 10, 2014

Awesome Avocado!

Well, there comes a time when your baby has to eat- FOOD! We kind of dragged our feet in starting this new phase…partly because we were in denial of just how big he is getting and partly because I didn’t want to even imagine how much smellier his diapers could possibly become! Obviously we went for it and decided to see what this big guy thought about AVOCADO!  It may be super healthy but definitely ridiculously messy...

      Enjoy the cuteness of the mess without having to do any of the cleaning : )       





I think he likes it : ) IMG_2867