Monday, September 30, 2013

A Week of Firsts

Lots to learn that first week but we enjoyed every "what the heck are we doing?!" moment! We tried to take as many photos as possible to document some of our favorite successes!

Welcome to your new home! 

First night! {We thought we would want you in our room but it turned out you were way too noise!! At 4:00 in the morning you were permanently moved into your crib and now we both are enjoying some sleep.}

First photo shoot! 

First doctor appointment! {Your weight had dropped (6lbs 5.4ounces down from 6lbs 9.1ounces) like expected but you were eating well and in two weeks I have no doubt you will be back at your birth weight and then some! p.s. Don't mind my non-showered self... making it to the appointment on time was a HUGE success!}

First Bath! {Not to happy about it... good thing he is adorable even when he is sad/mad!}

First nap with Dad! {Henry definitely is sleeping quite a bit this week and nothing melts my heart more than to see my two favorite people relaxing together.}

First Badger game! {perplexed by their poor play calling}

First time to church! 

Saturday, September 28, 2013

Where it all began!

January 2013 : After a year of trying to conceive and sending up our prayers we were happily surprised at the beginning of January. It took three days and three tests before I was confident enough to share the news with Gabe! 

February 2013 : Earlier in January we had booked a trip to St. Lucia to celebrate 5 years of wedded bliss. With our new secret on the way we decided to for go those plans and changed our tickets for a last minute surprise visit to Arizona to see my brothers and enjoy the warm weather.

March 2013 : It took some time to find a working photo booth but it was worth it. I couldn't think of a better way to share our news!!

April 2013 : We have been able to run the Crazy Legs 8k for the last few years and didn't see any sense in breaking tradition. Although I didn't set any records, I was happy to have run the entire time and still feel good! 49:33 8K for those who care : ) 

May 2013: Our first look at Baby S!  We both had the weirdest feeling that he/she looked a lot like our nephew, Nolan. We knew from the start that we wanted to be surprised so no gender reveal party for us!  ...Still trying to get used to the baby bump!!  The Facebook friends really "liked" this first look at the baby bump : )

June 2013 : The beginning of our summer travels! We started out big with a 12 hour drive to Lake Metagoshi on the North Dakota/Canada border to stay at a cabin with friends. 

July 2013 : Alright so a lot happened in July I just didn't capture any pictures like I thought I had. I did snap this one to send to friends that threw me a surprise baby shower I was too sick to attend. Other events not properly documented...Wisconsin barn party, Stauffer family Canada trip, Erin's Chicago bachlorette party and the running club 5K! If i find some photos I will be sure and update! 

August 2013 : It really only gets bigger and bigger! Good thing it is summer and long, lean tank tops are only a couple bucks because this is pretty much one version of what I wore each and every day. Although, I did dress up once and a while....especially for a photo shoot with my dear friend Jen Connors Clark.

September 2013 : I couldn't possibly recap such a fantastic wedding with just one photo so here are four!  It was our last big trip before we hunkered down a bit to wait for Baby S. Although we weren't quite ready to welcome a baby into our house I wouldn't have been opposed to having he/she in the great state of Wisconsin : )  

Waiting patiently for our little boy or girl to arrive!!